What are the advantages of the WAY-Plan passenger transport management software?

Several innovative planning interfaces to meet all management needs

The WAY-Plan software offers two interfaces for planning the availability of drivers and vehicles. Each one allows to answer different management situations of on-demand passenger transport.


Situation n°1 : I have to position a driver quickly.

A key element of passenger transport, the planning positioning interface is simple and accessible directly by clicking on the mission concerned. This planning interface allows you to :

  • view the schedule for the day or for three days or for seven days,
  • immediately indicate for each driver the number of consecutive days worked to facilitate decision-making.

Situation n°2 : I have to plan a set of the missions over a period of time.

Adapted for all the companies of transport of people, the interface of massive planning Visualimo allows to manage the assignment of the drivers. Moreover, Visualimo allows the allocation of vehicles for a set of missions and this on a single screen!
The objective is to rationalize and optimize the allocation of resources by easily visualizing all the management data that are useful for your decision making as a manager or operator.

The WAY-Plan software allows you to manage your schedule easily with your smartphone or tablet. Thus, the management interfaces were especially conceived to answer the constraints of the management of planning of the transport of people in mobility.

The specificities of the passenger transport business

The passenger transport industry has many different names, so WAY-Plan has been designed to meet the needs of the entire profession:

  • Transport for people with disabilities, often as school transportation
  • Light vehicles as limos for private rides
  • Coaches operators as passenger transportation with vehicles with more than 9 seats
  • Transportation on demand